

    5 minutes intro
    Comes with kubectl

    YAML overwrites based on overlays

    Kustomize only works with kubernetes yaml files... To work with any kind of files, have a look at Carvel ytt, a templating and patch engine (does both !)

    Tool to customize Kubernetes resources using patches, not templates (≠ Helm).
    The advantage is that placeholders don't need to be defined up front.

    It's a good practice to have fine grained patches that are going to be combined.


    Some updates are quite common : updating the number of replicas, the image name,...
    For this, transformers can create a patch for you.

    Works using CLI
    kustomize edit set image monopole/hello:1=monopole/hello:latest
    kustomize build .


    To generate configmaps, secrets and... helm charts.
    kustomize edit add secret sl-demo-app --from-literal=db-password=12345

    Proudly Powered by Zim 0.75.2.

    Template by Etienne Gandrille, based on ZeroFiveEight and using JQuery Toc Plugin.