Service Mesh



    Actual landscape

    How it works
    admission controller with policy → side-car injection! a container is inserted int every single pod.

    SMI Service Mesh Interface
    Customize Envoy Proxy with WebAssembly
    Simply and securely extend Envoy Proxy, Gloo API gateway and Istio service mesh with a Wasm module in the language of your choice.

    Cilium and eBPF as a game changer ?
    "Cilium is an open source software for providing, securing and observing network connectivity between container workloads - cloud native, and fueled by the revolutionary Kernel technology eBPF."

    Today, popular service mesh such as Linkerd and Istio are using sidecar. For instance Istio is using the popular Envoy proxy. The drawback of this approach is that it adds a lot of ressources (one sidecar per pod !) which is... bad.

    eBPF is a new approach in order to do the same without sidecars. And cilium is a service mesh that implements this approch. It provides as well Hubble, a nice interface for observability.

    Take aways

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