The de facto package manager for Kubernetes
Great for third parties aplications that needs to be made available broadly.
Project Overview The latest version of Helm is v3! In blog posts, double check which version is used!
- https://helm.sh/
- https://github.com/helm/helm
- https://github.com/helm/helm/releases Download prebuild executable
- https://hub.helm.sh
- 2019 Keynote: Getting to Know Helm 3
- Helm Hub content (PR accepted!)
- monocular → Helm hub source code
- ChartMuseum → open-source, easy to deploy, Helm Chart Repository server
- Chart Testing → CLI tool for linting and testing Helm charts
- Chart Releaser → Helps Turn GitHub Repositories into Helm Chart Repositories
Top level CNCF Project
- 2016 - Joined CNCF
- 2020 - Graduated status
Scope : template, package with versionning, register in a registry, deploy with configuration, monitor.
templates + values = kubernetes yaml
- Package manager for Kubernetes
- encapsulates a set of kubernetes resources into an atomic unit of deployment (chart package)
- A namespace must exists in order to store the release... even if Helm can create other namespaces.
Regarding the templating part, the issue is that if a placeholder is missing... you need to fork !
Or Kustomize to the rescue, before deploying. So we have helm, kustomize, deploy.
An alternative is to templatize everything, which breaks the lisibility of the yaml definition.
The advantage is that configuration is easy. Just a set of key value pairs.
Key concepts
- Helm CLI The Helm binary provides a mechanism for interacting with the Helm ecosystem
- Helm charts Packages representing Kubernetes deployable resources
- Templates (template/): Templated resouces (using sprig)
- Values (values.yaml): Configuration variables that are injected into templated resources (default values)
- Metadata file (Chart.yaml):
- Revisions Configurations of a chart at a particular point in time
Lifecycle management
Helm release : set of deployed k8s resources using Helm
- install: install a specific version of a chart package
- upgrade : upgrades the version of a release (chart package already installed)
- rollback
- uninstall
lifeycle management, and hooks available
Helm repository
Helm chart can be packaged using .tgz and hosted on a Helm repository, which is basically a HTTP server with an index.yaml file. index.yaml packages all Helm chart packages Chart.yaml file contents. So we can use github pages, for instance ;-)
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm search repo bitnami
helm repo update
Helm charts can be OCI artifacts now, and can be pushed to OCI registry.
DockerHub, artifactory,...
- .Release
- .Values
- .Capabilities: information about the kubernetes cluster you deploy to
- .Files : access additional files inside. In order to inject a property file, for instance.
See : https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts/#predefined-values
Reusable functions : partials
- Name starts with an underscore
- Helm chart with only partials: library chart, to be used as a dependency
Quick start
Commands are executed from the devlaptop, not from inside the cluster!
curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update
helm install ...
helm status
helm list
helm upgrade