- OpenTelemetry (Instrumentation):
- Victoria metrics : more efficient than Prometheus, even if Prometheus is the de facto standard
- Loki (Logs)
- Grafana Tempo (Tracing)
- Grafana (Dashboards): de facto standard
- Robusta (Alerting)
- Komodor (Troubleshooting)
- Prometheus: https://prometheus.io
- Loki: https://grafana.com/oss/loki
- Grafana: https://grafana.com/oss/grafana
The defacto standard is Prometheus
It uses a pull based mechanism
For legacy systems, it provides a pushgateway server that receives metrics, and make them availabe to Prometheus pull mechanism
Prometheus does
- pulls metrics
- stores metics
- provides a querry interface using PromQL
- Inside Kubernetes, Prometheus can get metrics from a node exporter, kube API,...
- An alert manager is provided : when conditions are met based on queries, it sends a notification (on slack, email,...)
Most famous stack : ELK
Chalenger for self hosted
- Prom Tail is installed on each node. It sends logs to loki which listens.
- loki = db specialized in logs
- Grafana