"Remote to local fast feedback development tool for Kubernetes"
→ Mainly for development purpose.
- Put the laptop inside the cluster
- Makes remote local
→ This way, using a PostgreSQL client, it is possible to troubleshoot a PostgreSQL server inside the cluster.
- Using a side car container using envoy proxy (and a traffic manager inside the cluster)
→ Now, all requests to a given pod (or pods, inside a deployment) are redirrected to the developper laptop... and the developper can catch the request inside his IDE.
→ no need anymore to compile, build the image, push it to the registry, update the yaml, apply ☺
Advanced features
- Personal intercept :
- Mirror pod files locally (called mount volumes)
- Copy env variables to the local machine
- ...
- v1: proxy used to fully replace a microservice
- v2: envoy proxy injected as a sidecar