10. Import
BEFORE Terraform 1.5: the CLI
See: import CLI
The terraform import CLI command can only import resources into the state. Importing via the CLI does not generate configuration.
Before you run terraform import you must manually write a resource configuration block for the resource. The resource block describes where Terraform should map the imported object.
WITH Terraform 1.5.0: the import Block
See: import block
terraform import can create the resource.tf file from the remote infrastructure element to be imported !
provider "aws" { region = "eu-west-1" } # After importing, you can optionally remove import blocks from your configuration # or leave them as a record of the resource's origin. import { to = aws_security_group.mysg id = "sg-07f13feb262ba8b6f" }
Command To Autogenerate Code for Imported Resource
terraform plan -generate-config-out=mysg.tf
Note : -generate-config-out flag may change in future releases. See documentation.
Command To Generate the Final State file
terraform apply -auto-approve