03. Variables
variable "image_id" { type = string description = "Image ID to use when creating an instance" default = "id-xxxx" sensitive = false nullable = false validation { condition = length(var.image_id) > 3 && substr(var.image_id, 0, 3) == "id-" error_message = "The image_id value must be a valid Image id, starting with \"id-\"." } }
Terraform CLI defines the following optional arguments for variable declarations:
- type This argument specifies what value types are accepted for the variable.
- string
- number
- bool: can be true or false
- list: for instance, type = list(string)
- map
- default A default value which then makes the variable optional.
- description This specifies the input variable's documentation.
- validation A block to define validation rules, usually in addition to type constraints.
- sensitive Limits Terraform UI output when the variable is used in configuration. IMPORTANT: the variable remains plain text readable inside the state.
- nullable Specify if the variable can be null within the module.
# this is valid! variable "image_id" {}
variable "image_id" { type = string }
variable "availability_zone_names" { type = list(string) default = ["us-west-1a"] }
variable "docker_ports" { type = list(object({ internal = number external = number protocol = string })) default = [ { internal = 8300 external = 8300 protocol = "tcp" } ] }
Reference attributes
resource "aws_eip" "lb" { domain = "vpc" } resource "aws_security_group" "allow_tls" { name = "allow_tls" description = "Allow TLS inbound traffic" ingress { description = "TLS from VPC" from_port = 443 to_port = 443 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = ["${aws_eip.lb.public_ip}/32"] } }
- <resourcetype>.<resourcename>.<attribute>
- data.<name>
- var.<name>
- local.<name>
- module.<instancename>.<outputname>
Output values
They can be used to
- Display information
- Register data inside the state
- Send information back to a caller module
output "public_url" { value = "https://${aws_eip.lb.public_ip}:8080" }
Output can be referenced from a caller module
# Here, we are in the root module module "my_endpoint" { source = ../module/endpoint } # module.my_endpoint.public_url
Ordre des précédance des variables
- Default values
- Environnement export TF_VAR_str="env" → defines str=env
- terraform.tfvars file with lines such as key=value
- terraform.tfvars.json file
- *.auto.tfvars and *.auto.tfvars.json files
- CLI using -var or -var-file
→ Storing credentials as part of environment variables is also a much better approach than hard coding it in the source files.
Basic map usage
resource "aws_instance" "myec2" { ami = "ami-082b5a644766e0e6f" instance_type = var.types["us-west-2"] } variable "types" { type = map(any) default = { us-east-1 = "t2.micro" us-west-2 = "t2.nano" ap-south-1 = "t2.small" } }
- var.my_map.my_key
- var.my_map["my_key"]
- lookup(var.my_map, "my_key", <default_value>)
→ Note: access using zero based index is NOT possible.
- merge takes an arbitrary number of maps or objects, and returns a single map or object that contains a merged set of elements from all arguments.
- lookup retrieves the value of a single element from a map, given its key. If the given key does not exist, the given default value is returned instead.
Basic list usage
list(...): a sequence of values identified by consecutive whole numbers starting with zero. The keyword list is a shorthand for list(any), which accepts any element type as long as every element is the same type.
resource "aws_instance" "myec2" { ami = "ami-082b5a644766e0e6f" instance_type = var.list[0] }
variable "list" { type = list(string) default = ["m5.large", "m5.xlarge", "t2.medium"] }
- var.my_list[<index>]
- element(var.my_list, <index>)
Key functions
- concat takes two or more lists and combines them into a single list.
- contains determines whether a given list or set contains a given single value as one of its elements.
- formatlist produces a list of strings using a string template and a list of variables
- index finds the element index for a given value in a list.
list + list → map : use zipmap !
See: zipmap
zipmap(["a", "b"], [1, 2]) { "a" = 1 "b" = 2 }
Local Values
Constants that are defined within a module.
Local values can be helpful to avoid repeating the same values or expressions multiple times in a configuration.
locals { common_tags = { Owner = "DevOps Team" service = "backend" } } resource "aws_instance" "app-dev" { ami = "ami-082b5a644766e0e6f" instance_type = "t2.micro" tags = local.common_tags }
Locals can help defining helpers
locals { name_prefix = "${var.name != "" ? var.name : var.default_name}" }
For expression
See documentation
Have a deep look at it since there are questions on the exam about this statement.
Backlinks: 13. Final notes