1. Semantic Versionning



    version ::= <major> [ ‘.’ <minor> [ ‘.’ <micro> [ ‘.’ <qualifier> ]]]

    Square brackets ( ‘[’ and ‘]’) indicate inclusive and parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’) indicate exclusive. That is, [1.2,2.0) indicates the version range from version 1.2, including version 1.2, up to but not including version 2.0.

    a) Import-Packge: com.myorg.package1
    b) Import-Packge: com.myorg.package1;version=1.0.0
    c) Import-Packge: com.myorg.package1;version=[1.0.0, 1.0.1)
    d) Import-Packge: com.myorg.package1;version=[1.0.0, 2.0.0)

    Using (a) any version might match and it could walk you right into the classic pitfall of resolving against higher major versions. Doing so has the potential to break you at runtime because of interface changes. Using (b) any version from 1.0.0 upwards might resolve and you incur the same problems as (a). Most developers end up with such a configuration because it’s usually the default tooling generated configuration. Using (c) imposes a very restrictive match, the curved bracket implies higher versions are excluded. Using this approach requires updates and redeployment of the application for every bug-fix in your chain of dependencies. Using (d) is a happy medium. Bug fixes and API additions are tolerated without change. If there is an API breakage the OSGi bundle fails to resolve and protects you from a potential runtime failure.

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