

    Uses a controller to monitor ssth (CPU, memory,...) and act accordingly.

    Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
    HPA is an algorithm based controller API resource which automatically adjusts the number of replicas in a ReplicaSet, Deployment or Replication Controller based on CPU utilization.

    Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
    VPA automatically sets Container resource requirements (CPU and memory) in a Pod and dynamically adjusts them in runtime, based on historical utilization data, current resource availability and real-time events.

    Cluster Autoscaler
    Cluster Autoscaler automatically re-sizes the Kubernetes cluster when there are insufficient resources available for new Pods expecting to be scheduled or when there are underutilized nodes in the cluster.

    Proudly Powered by Zim 0.75.2.

    Template by Etienne Gandrille, based on ZeroFiveEight and using JQuery Toc Plugin.