- RUN executed at image build time
- CMD default command executed at image startup
- ENTRYPOINT enhanced CMD command
Basic Dockerfile
- Specify a base image
- Run some commands to install additional programs
- Specify a command to run on container startup
FROM <baseimage> WORKDIR <container-filesystem> COPY <local-filesystem> <container-filesystem> RUN <command> CMD <stratup-command>
Multi-steps builds
FROM node:alpine as builder WORKDIR '/app' COPY package.json . RUN npm install COPY . . RUN npm build FROM nginx EXPOSE 80 COPY --from builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
- It's a good practice to install dependencies before code, in order to speedup rebuild process
- Of course, the first stage does not ends with a CMD
- The second stage uses the defalut CMD defined by its image
- EXPOSE is ONLY used for documentation. Some tools can then know that this port is required to be oppened.