[TextView] indent = 30 tabs = None font = Sans 12 justify = linespacing = 3 bullet_icon_size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU wrapped-lines-linespacing = 0 [Tag strong] weight = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD [Tag emphasis] style = italic [Tag mark] #underline = single background = yellow [Tag strike] strikethrough = true foreground = grey # Verbatim gets a slightly different color to distinguish easier # used the dark "aluminium" color from the Tango palette. [Tag code] foreground = black family = monospace background = #dee2e6 #wrap-mode = none [Tag pre] # This style is used for multi-line verbatim blocks foreground = blue family = monospace wrap-mode = none indent = 20 [Tag link] foreground = #dc3545 #underline = single [Tag tag] foreground = #ff3366 # For the various headings we scale the size relative to the font size. # The color choosen is the dark green -or "Chameleon"- as defined in the # Tango color palette in order to fit with the default color scheme for # most desktops. [Tag h1] foreground = #dc3545 weight = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD scale = 2.0 linespacing=24 [Tag h2] foreground = #5294e2 weight = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD scale = 1.52 linespacing = 24 [Tag h3] foreground = #479f76 style=italic weight = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD scale = 1.32 linespacing=18 [Tag h4] foreground=#4BB75F weight=PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD scale=1.15 linespacing=18 [Tag h5] foreground=#4BB75F weight=PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD linespacing=18 [Tag h6] foreground=#4BB75F linespacing=18 [Tag checked-checkbox] #foreground = grey [Tag xchecked-checkbox] #foreground = grey [Tag migrated-checkbox] #foreground = grey [Tag transmigrated-checkbox] #foreground = grey # vim: syntax=desktop