

    Exo is a support library used in the Xfce desktop. It has some helper applications that are used throughout the entire desktop, to manage preferred applications and edit .desktop files.

    Preferred Apps

    The exo-preferred-applications GUI allows to choose the default browser, mailer, file manager and terminal.

    Under the covers, it uses several desktop files :

    Every desktop file delegates exo-open the execution using an exec statement such as this one: Exec=exo-open --launch WebBrowser %u


    Launching Prefered Apps

    Here is a basic command: exo-open --launch WebBrowser %u
    Only 4 application types are allowed: WebBrowser, MailReader, TerminalEmulator and FileManager.

    Storage backend

    NOTE: xdg-settings get default-web-browser result is based on helpers.rc files content.

    Launching URL or files

    exo-open can be used with urls. For instance exo-open http://foo.fr
    In order to launch the relevant application, mimeapps.list files are parsed in order to find the desktop file corresponding to the relevant scheme handler.

    exo-open can also be used with files. For instance exo-open my-music.mp3
    mimeapps.list is then used to find the desktop file for the relevant mime type.

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    Template by Etienne Gandrille, based on ZeroFiveEight and using JQuery Toc Plugin.